Internal Interpreter Error

Description: Notice: session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php/sessions) failed: Отказано в доступе (13)
Filename: SYSPATH/libraries/Session.php Line: 184


180:          self::$cookie['secure'],
181:          self::$cookie['httponly']
182:       );
184:       session_start();
186:       $_SESSION['session_id'] = session_id();
188:       if ( ! isset($_SESSION['_kf_flash_']))


file: SYSPATH/libraries/Session.php:184, function: session_start()
file: SYSPATH/libraries/Session.php:106, function: Session_Core->create()
file: SYSPATH/libraries/Session.php:77, function: Session_Core->__construct()
file: APPPATH/controllers/default.php:35, function: Session_Core::instance()
function: Default_controller->__construct()
file: SYSPATH/core/SME.php:331, function: ReflectionClass->newInstance()
file: SYSPATH/core/boot.php:150, function: SME::instance()
file: DOCROOT/index.php:71, function: require_once([string])
INFOBAR — information bar

What is it?

Service provides a number of different userbars that display information about the Internet connection and a browser who opened it.

Image can be placed on your website or in signature on the forum. After placement, the visitor will see its information: IP, DNS, Browser and the Operating System.


In addition to displaying information in the picture, it is possible export in various formats: XML JSON CSV